舒适安逸4天3晚North Lake Tahoe Ski trip (Jan 8)

我们是Young professional team volunteer base organization, 在North Lake Tahoe找
到一个很好的房子:5个房间,3个半卫浴室,3晚的住宿是$200/人(Dec 23 to 25),
我们保证每个人都有床,现在还有6个空位,兴趣的要提早下定金$200 (不可refund,可
Transfer to other person, but you need to find that person on your own),
可以寄支票到: COCS
P.O. Box 320143, San Francisco, CA 94132.
支票抬头: COCS
RSVP 期限: Oct 16, 2010

We have people cook for us and if we get enough people we will play games together inculding porker (Texas holdem) and Chinese Majiang

RSVP on the website did not promiss you are in, only money into the account would be finialized your RSVP.

COCS, event committee

Event Date and Time: 
Sat, 2011-01-08 08:00