Fund Raising

 A Group of Bilingual Chinese Clinical Mental Health Providers



Where we are coming from:

We are a group of bilingual Chinese clinical mental health providers, mobilized quickly and voluntarily to provide crisis peer-to-peer psychological support to the frontline healthcare providers in response to the COVID-19 epidemic started in Wuhan, China. The crisis intervention project began operation on Jan 24, 2020, the day after Wuhan was placed on lockdown.



Online Model

Through the project for Wuhan, we found that our online model is, despite many challenges, an effective way to implement mental health support and crisis intervention. Nevertheless, in the time of COVID-19 pandemic in the world, psychological support to the front-line health care workers and community is of tremendous need and paramount importance. Thus, we hope our work can shed lights on effective mental health disaster outreach utilizing cyber technology to help our Chinese and Asian communities on fighting this unprecedented pandemic both in the USA and abroad.


What we are going to do:

Free regularly scheduled community online mental health education seminars, support groups and public education activities
Free one-on-one psychotherapy sessions and psychosocial intervention for uninsured population in need and crises
Insurance cover mental health treatments and psychotherapy sessions
Professional training with CE (Continued Education) credit
Research focus on crises and under-served community mental health topics
Collaboration with hospitals, universities and communities to provide internships and volunteer opportunities for qualify candidates


What do we need the support from the communities:

Funding: Even though most of our services are free, but the malpractice liability insurance would be high over $10,000/per year, also the HIPPA compliance teleconference / telehealth fee, online operation and administration would be more than $20,000/year

资金:尽管我们的大多数服务都是免费的,但医疗事故责任保险每年的费用将超过10,000美元, 符合HIPPA规定的网上会议/远程医疗软件的费用,在线运营和管理费用也将超过20,000美元/年

Manpower: Any license and pre-license mental health providers, Administrative manpower like HR, IT services, marketing, public education and media are all welcome

人力:欢迎任何持证和准持证的精神卫生服务提供者, 还有人力资源,网络技术,市场营销,公共教育和媒体等行政人员的参与

Why support us:

The mental health need in our communities are huge
We are all licensed and reliable
All donations are tax exempt
If the company you are working such as Apple, Google and Microsoft that are having match fund program at, then your donation will be double matched by your company


如果您所在的公司(例如Apple,Google 和 Microsoft)在 上设有捐款匹配资金计划,您的捐款将会被您的公司双倍匹配

Below is the article our group published after the services for health providers who worked during the Wuhan lockdown:



 注意:可以匹配的公司的捐款,请”不要”在这里捐,需要在自己工作的公司网站里寻找匹配的捐款途径,在这里捐的不会被自动匹配。有任何问题,欢迎随时联络我们:电邮, 电话: 1-832-873-0632 。谢谢您的时间和支持!Note ️: Donations from companies that can be matched, please DO NOT donate here, you need to find a matching donation channel on on your company website, donations here will not be automatically matched. Any questions, please feel free to contact us at :, or 1-832-873-0632 . Thank you very much for your time and support!