海外华人理事会(以下简称COCS)于10月17号在三藩市举办主题为 “Tie It Together”-领结同心的2009年度筹款时尚一系列活动。这次筹款活动主要是为四川地震致残儿童的长期康复募捐,以领带为主题贯穿10月,11月和12月的时尚系列活动:
11月15 和22 的二个周日里,上午10点到下午4点,Monique Zhang 会开设四节美态课程,以$100学费这低于正规价格九成的优惠给予有心向美的人,寓意为永久地把爱传递出去。而所得的款项将全数捐于COCS用于此次筹款。
12月19号(周六),晚上6点到9点, 盛大的圣诞节晚会,将筹款时尚一系列活动推向高潮。晚会以时尚为格调,领带为主题。邀请各界名流,绅士淑女出席,届时将在美酒,轻歌曼舞中为这次的筹款活动画上完美的句号。
海外华人理事会(The Council of Overseas Chinese Services (COCS), Inc)是一家于2005年已向官方登记注册并基于501(C)3条款取得了免税号的非营利性组织,旨在联合不同专业、不同背景、不同社会地位的海外华人,发挥 集体的力量,达到三个目标:1、促进各界对中国及海外华人社区的社会和法律问题的关注;2、通过增强海外华人的社会技能、向他们提供社会资源的方式,提高 他们的生活质量;3、促进世界对中国艺术和文化的了解。现在COCS服务大纽约地区以及三藩湾区。
COCS与四川的合作始于2006 的中美朋辈互助项目,在中美法律基金的资助下,COCS与西南民族大学培训超过30名的大学生志愿者为逾300名的农民工提供岗前权益保护培训。在经历了 08年的大地震后,COCS和西南民族大学社会工作专业的合作深入发展到为灾区少数民族的农民工提供岗前权益的保护培训。同时也发现了地震中致残儿童的问 题,西南民族大学社会工作专业学生在重灾区汶川、北川、什防等地志愿服务时了解到大部分地震致残儿童的心理康复服务的不足以及需要长期的特殊跟进。因为儿 童的家长以及儿童本身对传统形式的心理辅导有很强的抗拒,害怕自己被标签。而COCS董事里经验丰富的专业双语社工以及911灾后重建的经历,正是地震中 致残儿童身心康复服务的基础和保证。因此COCS社工建议为地震致残儿童提供陪伴心理辅导,让他们在没有压力的情况下,协助他们走出灾难的阴影,重新面对 不同的自己。2009年9月,在COCS的首期资金支持下,西南民族大学社会工作专业的志愿者为地震致残儿童在他们的临时板房区开展了第一个灾后的运动 会。运动会后,孩子们和家长的反馈非常好。让COCS更确立长期资助的目标。
Monique Zhang,自身经历过意外事故的创伤,深深体会到从健康到残疾的心历路程,由己推人,在听说了这个筹款项目后立刻将爱心赴诸于行动中。在COCS 其他董事会成员的支持下,于是便有了在三藩市举办主题为 “Tie It Together”-领结同心的2009年度筹款时尚一系列活动。
活动详情请参阅COCS网站www.cocservices.org,或致电347-617-2687 联系。捐款支票抬头:“ COCS ” 地址:P. O. Box 320143, San Francisco, CA 94132.
筹款时尚一系列活动的地点:535 Powell Street, 主楼层, San Francisco, CA 94108.
Please check below for the E-invite for tickets:
The Council of Overseas Chinese Services (COCS), INC is a 501(c) 3 tax exempt not-for-profit organization founded in New York City, U.S.A. in September 2005, which is established on independence and self-governance of Chinese young professionals from diverse backgrounds and locations. On January 2009, as more and more our members moved from West to East coast, COCS extend our services into San Francisco bay area. Our services are unique – no other NGO in the NY or San Francisco area has the similar focus or provide the similar services: We are volunteer basis organization and organized our event on project basis.
During the summer of 2005, with the funding from US-China Legal Cooperation Fund, COCS initiated its first Pre-employment Training program (PET) for migrant workers in the Pearl Delta are of, Guangdong Province of China, and served over 200 pre-employed migrant workers. COCS recruited volunteers from the local colleges and organized and trained them to provide training for the migrant workers in the areas of labor law issues, protection from work related injury and illness, sex education and general health issue, adapting to the city life. The program was a huge success, both whole-heartedly welcomed by the migrant workers and highly regarded by the academia.
In 2006, COCS organized a conference in Beijing to promote the PET program. Representatives from over 20 universities and colleges attended the conference. Out of all the schools that had attended the conference, COCS selected four to be its long-term cooperative partners for promoting and implementing the PET program in the other parts of China. The four schools are China Youth University of Politic Science (CYUPS) in Beijing, Guangdong University of Business Studies (GUBS) in Guangzhou, Southwest University for Minority Nationalities (SUMN) in Chengdu and South-Central University for Nationalities (SCUN) in Wuhan. In 2007, COCS worked with these four universities to provide PET program in the four cities and collectively, COCS and the participating volunteers from these four schools had served over 1,000 pre-employed migrant workers. Along the way, COCS have trained more than a hundred university law and social work students to be volunteers capable of working for the PET program and provide other services to the migrant workers in need after the completion of the PET program.
Immediately after the earthquake occurred in Sichuan Province in May of 2008, COCS raised relief funds in the NY area and organized, coordinated and funded the volunteers from the aforementioned universities to provide relief and services to the victims of the disaster. COCS also rises funding for and sponsor activities that service the Chinese community in the NY area. Such as hosting nutrition and parenting education workshops to improve the quality of life for new immigrants.